EURAXESS Network in Croatia is a part of the European EURAXESS Network, a joint initiative of the European Commission and 43 partner countries. Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes not only acts as the national EURAXESS bridgehead organization, but also hosts the EURAXESS Center since 2008.
EURAXESS Center at the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes, together with EURAXESS Centres at all bigger universities and research organizations, offers assistance to incoming, outgoing, and returning researchers and their families, either by telephone, e-mail, or in person.
Do not hesitate to contact us, we are happy to help you!
Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes, Department for Horizontal areas of EU Framework Programmes and mobility of researchers
Address: Frankopanska 26, Zagreb, Croatia
Phone: +385 (0)1 5005 961
Fax +385 (0)1 5005 699
E-mail: euraxess@ampeu.hr
Business hours: Mo - Fri 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Ana Ključarić - Head of Department, ana.kljucaric@ampeu.hr
Sandra Vidović, sandra.vidovic@ampeu.hr
Martina Kožul Kolarić, martina.kozulkolaric@ampeu.hr
Lana Jerolimov Cetina, lana.jerolimov.cetina@ampeu.hr
Ivan Makovec, ivan.makovec@ampeu.hr
Vesna Gugić, vesna.gugic@ampeu.hr
Address: Trg braće Mažuranića 10, 51000 Rijeka
Phone: +385 51 584 842
Fax: +385 51 406 588
Contact person: Marijana Tomić Marinović, Centre for International Mobility
E-mail: mtomic@uniri.hr
Address: Trg Sv. Trojstva 3, 31000 Osijek
Phone: +385 31 224 125
Fax: +385 31 207 015
Contact person: Klaudija Kulešević, International Relations Office
E-mail: klaudijak@unios.hr
Address: Trg Republike Hrvatske 14, 10 000 Zagreb
Phone: +385 1 46 98 136
Fax: +385 1 46 98 136
Contact person: dr. sc. Miroslav Rajter, Research Office
E-mail: mrajter@unizg.hr
Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb
Address: Horvatovac 102, 10 000 Zagreb
Phone: +385 1 46 06 091
Fax: +385 1 46 06 041
Contact person: Antonijo Šimunović, Office for International Relations and Project Supervision
E-mail: international@dekanat.pmf.hr
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb
Address: Ivana Lučića 5, 10 002 Zagreb
Phone: +385 1 6168 413
Contact person: Katarina Plancutić, Department of Projects and Mobility
E-mail: mobilnost@fsb.hr
Address: Ulica Mihovila Pavlinovića bb, 23000 Zadar
Phone: + 385 23 200 740
Fax: +385 23 316882
Contact person: Deni Ivanov, Office for Science and Technology Transfer
E-mail: divanov@unizd.hr
Address: Bijenička cesta 54, 10 000 Zagreb
Phone: +385 1 45 61 170
Fax:+385 1 46 80 084
Contact person: Lea Liović, Human Resources Department
E-mail: Lea.Liovic@irb.hr
Address: Poljička cesta 35, 21000 Split
Phone: +385 21 566 883 ; +385 21 566 331
Fax: +385 21 440 344
Contact person: Petra Jelić, Scence Office; pjelic@unist.hr
Contact person: Ana Grgić, Science Office; ana.grgic@unist.hr
Address: Branitelja Dubrovnika 41, 20 000 Dubrovnik
Phone: +385 20 446 041
Fax: +385 20 435 590
Contact person: Sandra Memunić, Head of Office for International Relations and Research Projects
E-mail: sandra.memunic@unidu.hr
Mediterranean Institute for Life Sciences
Address: Meštrovićevo šetalište bb, 21 000 Split
Phone: +385 21 55 56 00
Fax: +385 21 55 56 05
Contact person: Irena Rajić
E-mail: irena.rajic@medils.hr
Juraj Dobrila University of Pula
Address: Zagrebačka 30, 52100 Pula
Phone: +385 52 377 088
Contact person: doc. dr. sc. Rozana Veselica Celić, Service for international cooperation, mobility, partnership and projects
E-mail: rozana.veselica@unipu.hr